Our mission is to create a safe space that connects education, community, and athletics to lifelong health and wellness.

Current State of our Track

Spring Track Conditions are NOT looking optimistic for the upcoming season. These pictures detail the deferred maintenance and unsafe conditions for our students and the greater community.  Please note the deep tire ruts in the track mud, downed trees, rocks, other dangerous debris in jumping pit areas, and litter. 

It has become customary for Florence Carlton students, athletes, coaches, and parents volunteer countless hours cleaning, prepping, and providing maintenance to the track, football field, and softball area. 

At this time, both the middle school and high school FCS Track and Field programs consists of sprinters, hurdlers, and jumpers (triple, long, and high jump), plus throwing and fielding events have a dilapidated and dangerous facility to practice. Additionally, there is no equipment or space to facilitate the high school pole vault event.

It is also important to note, not just the athletic program uses this facility. Our k-12 physical education programs and k-5 elementary Milage also use the dilapidated track area. 

The list of potential injuries to our FCS students, athletes, teachers, coaches, and general community with the neglected track is countless. Only limited activities can take place, if at all. 

With respect to the Track and Field program,  student-athletes are demoted to practicing in the FCS hallways or additional arrangements and expenses are incurred bussing student-athletes to other track facilities around the area for practice.